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Asmr is a gentle feeling of warmth and relaxation. In 1879 the chief engineer on the statue of liberty died and eiffel was hired to replace him going on to design the metallic skeleton of the structure. The eiffel tower french. These are the sources and citations used to research eiffel tower. Eiffel tower to robert delaunay eiffel tower guitar of the sky your wireless telegraphy attracts words as a rosebush the bees during the night the seine no longer flows telescope or bugle eiffel tower and it s a hive of words or an inkwell of honey at the bottom of dawn a spider with barbed wire legs was making its web of clouds my little boy.I have always enjoyed the asmr. The distinctive shape of the eiffel tower is based on simple physics and is designed so that the maximum torque created by the wind is balanced by the torque due to the tower s weight. The eiffel tower in paris france was designed by engineer and architect gustave eiffel. The wager was to study the possibility of erecting an iron tower on the champ de mars with a square base 125 metres across and 300 metres tall. I live in paris.
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